Right, first things first I'd like a moments silence please. Those of you who dont know, my laptop died a death when I got hit by the most amazing virus I have ever seen. Stenography is a thing of beauty if its done right. So without having backed up in two months I had to relinquish her to a Doc who wiped her clean and reformatted her. Sniff sniff. She's getting better but she's nowhere near what she used to be. So don your caps and lets have that moment of silence.
**********insert moment of silence here***********
Ok now that thats covered onto the business at hand.
Righty ho then. In order to let many of our brave jedi qualify for the wonderment of the cash league final we have decided to go crazy with the hours. The Le Mons Little Mexican came to us with a suggestion and we have decided to run with it. What is this marvelous idea you may ask? Well its simple really:
- As from Monday if you are sitting at a cash table (with a game going!!!) between the hours of 9pm and midnight you now earn 90 minutes for every 60 minutes you sit there.
- This crazy deal on minutes is availabe all night Friday night. From the start of the cash game to the end of the cash game. Any questions, leave a comment.
Le Cash league Final:
- Input on this is needed. The Cash league final will run on the week of the 27th August to the 1st of September.
- The final will be an early start as we want to run a long clock with plenty of play.
- I'm opting for Sunday the 1st of September. This way we can start at 3 or 4 and have a nice long game with plenty of side action going as well.
- If anyone knows of anything that may clash with this please let me know. I've checked all relevant hotel-poker sites and we seem to be in the clear.
In more global news, a young Irish man, Ciaran O Leary took home a nice pay day from the 3rd event of the World Series. Congratulations go to Ciaran and we hope he continues to do well.
Other Victors in the WSOP include Eli Elezra who took the pot for Seven-card stud Hi-Lo Split Eight-or-better. Yowzers!
Alan Smurfit also took the win in the Pot Limit Omaha with Rebuy tourney. Event number 33.
The World Championship HORSE event kicked off last night so can't wait for that one.
Back to the club business. The €1,000 guaranteed €50 freezeout on Wednesday saw 27 young Paddywans coming to the felt with the 60% Man proving he may yet be 100%. Thursday saw 22 players hit the table and it ended up with 3 lads from Cahir going at it in a nice civilized game with no Bubble apparently.
I also had a strange night when, upon answering the doorbell, I was told that The Great One had arrived. I only saw a chin and realised that that certain jaw line couldnt be Batman, so that Great one was out of the question. There was also nobody in Wrestling attire or no giant transforming artic truck or no people with floppy haircuts. So as baffled as I was I was further baffled upon discovering that it was the Don himself who claimed he wanted me to let the great one in. Now being a practicing Atheist I do have some knowledge on the whole religion side of things and had assumed that the Don had gone off found God and invited him along for a game of Poker. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Twas only the Don himself and his "Great" ego.......... if you're going to kill me please make it quick!!!!!!!!
I supposed I had better put up some results for ye from the week:
Monday the 18th:
- Caboose. Yup I out Blessed-ed-ed the Blessed one in the only hand I got lucky in. My A7 hearts ran into pocket 10's and while I was looking for an Ace or hearts I was surprised to hit a 7 on the flop and a 7 on the river. What makes it worse is that it could not have been the 7 of diamonds as TBO had the diamond draw. I believe thats what we call.... Eeeeep.
- The Cyclist.
- The Blessed One
- The Former Champ
- Family Guy
Tuesday the 19th:
- The Cyclist; Split with his brother
- The Spectre
- The DIY Man. This was incredible. I tried to knock him out 5 times!!! 5 times! 3 times I was ahead and the other 2 times the least amount of outs I had was 10!!!!!!!!! How he didnt go on to win is beyond me.
- Caboose
- Family Guy
Wednesday the 20th:
- The 60% Man: Q9 v 96; QJ10 9 J
- The MP
- The Ewok (y'all missed the singing Ewok and the near decapitation of the Le Mons Little Mexican. God bless his cotton socks and Matrix like reflexes)
- Roadkill (back in business. The two week break seemed to do him well)
- Moner Lisa
Thurs the 21st:
- The Walking billboard
- Chicken Little
- The Mullet
- The Cyclist
- Hank the Tank
Right then that brings us up to date. As I type this there is a nice little Round of Each cash game going. Two of the original starters (at 9pm) are still here with the Don and the Fish!! Man there have been some swings and roundabouts in this game which saw the cyclist bow out early claiming the Omaha was a bit much. After suggesting they play it in the first place.
As ye know I want to make Sunday an Omaha Tournament. There are a lot of people wanting to learn it so a €25 double chance is the best way I thought of. I'll be here early on sundays, around 3ish, to accommodate early cash games or get that Omaha tourney rocking!!! Drop me a mail at kkcardclub@gmail.com if ye're interested.
Right then I gotta go as I have to redo the entire Cash league hours. Yup they were one of things I never backed up. Stoopid stoopid stoopid stoopid!!!!!!
love a very tuckered out

*** Tip of the day: If you're not used to playing Pot Limit and hearing how much the bet is after shouting Pot gives you a heart attack then simply ask your kind, benevolent dealer what the pot would be if you wanted to bet or raise. A simple "Bet?" or "raise" will do. If you are feeling gentlemanly like you may also ask with the following line; "Excuse me kind, magnificient dealer but if I was to bet or raise the pot to its maximum amount, how much would that be?"