New Tournament Schedule

Here it is. From Monday the 10th we have a new tourney schedule.

Sunday: €30 + €5 (€20 Rebuy Tourney) 6pm start

Monday: €30 + €5 Freezeout 9:30pm start

Tuesday: Satellite night. Satellites held for Scalp tournament and €150 freezeout. €20 freezeout if no satellite

Wednesday: €50 + €5 Freezeout 9:30pm

Thursday: €25 + €5 Freezeout 9:30pm

Friday: €25+ €5 Scalp tournament 9:30pm

First Tuesday of every month is €150 + €10 freezeout 8pm start, Deepstack

Every second Sunday €120 + €10 scalp tournament. 4 pm start, deepstack

Monday, July 2, 2007

Ok this is getting annoying now!!!

Since I have to listen to ye're bad beats and get to experience new and exciting ways of hearing about how aces got busted (sarcasm??? dont know the meaning of the word =o)) I'm going to inflict this tale of tragedy upon ye. My poor baby laptop has died again. Well to be fair now, she was murdered this time around. I had a really annoying time with 78 updates that refused to install so I took her to the Doc who "fixed" her last time, apparently. It was 5 minutes in that I realised that there was a storm on the horizon and things were not looking pretty. Upon explaining how she wouldnt allow me to change the Catroot2 folder and the Crptyoservices to see if I could get the bloody updates to install I was greeted by a blank expression. Ah, it was going to be one of those days then!!! Great! So after a half hour of fart arsing around he decided to restore her to an earlier point. Cool, could work. The point he chose was the one where he had just finished installing Windows the last time. Crap, this wont work. The result of this was watching as 2 weeks of hard work on getting her back to her former glory went buh-bye. Yup down to the basic foundation. Everything Kaput! Graham's blood pressure through the roof and images of me inserting someone's head in a monitor flashing through the air. So I am currently sitting in the office typing this on the most annoying keyboard known to man. Clackity clickity Clack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyhoo, onto the news. Well well well if sunday wasn't a corker of a game. So much for starting early on a sunday! After sending out texts, getting texts, making calls and receiving calls I was expecting to get a cash game going by 6 or 7. Apparently ye all had other things in mind. So there I was sitting alone in the club and somehow kept sane until 10:30 when we managed to get a four handed game going. Then the weirdest thing happened. The doorbell rang and continued to ring until at half 11 we had a full table with 4 people waiting!!!! So two tables it was then. With a hold'em only table and a round of each table we saw some of the craziest action in a long time. Family pots for a straddle of 5 Euro (god this thing sucks so badly it wont even bring up the Euro symbol. Rubbish!!!!!) were a common sight and people trebling up with K8 off suit were seen as ok. The game was nuts, the players were crazy and we were all highly entertained throughout the night. But with great craziness come great bad beat stories.

I took the round of each table and Yoda took the hold'em only. Seated at my table were Hank the Tank, Le Mons Little Mexican, The Mediocre one (formerly known as Don Santos or Shogun or whatever I called him, he was also being called the Elderberry throughout the night due to a fetching purple number he was wearing. Biccit?), Roadkill, The Blessed One, The Voice (now this is a name he ordained himself, we shall call him The Hulk!!), The Gentleman. Yoda had Stretch, Pinocchio, Old Father Time, The Moaner Lisa, Mr Wait & Donate, Joe Serious and his mate Joe Useless. It was clear from the start that the two tables would probably declare war on each other over who was better and this brought an amusing anecdote which shall be told at a later date.

Getting off topic again. There was absolute murder on the bad beat scale of things which was strange because there were some cracking lay downs. Even the Mediocre one laid down the nuts in Omaha on the turn. Le Mons Little Mexican also laid down the nuts on the flop which turned out to be a "winning fold". Some great poker was on display and some shocking poker popped its head up every now and again. Stretch drifted over to our table at one stage and decided to inform us of his distaste for Omaha and how it was a stupid game. He straddled his first Omaha hand for a fiver!!!!! He played tight for most of the night, then again whats new. He then met the Elderberry in a hand that took a lot of people by surprise. It was raised preflop as usual and Stretch called with 8,8,x,x. The flop came 8,x,x (one spade). Elderberry bets and stretch decides to Pot it declaring that it was his first time all night in doing so!!! Le Elderberry calls. The turn brings another spade. The Elderberry bets and Stretch moves all in. He is of course called and naturally the 3rd spade comes up on the river. Elderberry called the flop with pocket Aces and one of them happened to be a spade which was suited with a wee little 7!! Yowzers! Man Stretch went on tilt.

Although prior to all this Hank The Tank went through a disastrous run of luck and had Stretch happily chirping in his ear that he was hitting some cards and doing really well. You had to be there. A very strange hand also occured around the time that Stretch was praising Hanks luck. It was raised preflop to 20 with 3 or 4 callers I think when it comes to Hank he raises to 100. Its folded all the way around to the Hulk who re-raises to 200 which means that Hank is all in if he calls, which he does. He's holding A,A,K,Q. The Hulk is holding K,K,x,x. So there we were all in preflop and the case King appears on the flop! Sick!

Action continued long into the night and it saw 4 men left at the table at 7am. The Gentleman, Le Mons Little Mexican, The Mediocre one and The Canon. Once the Elderberry ran away to do a personal errand (hope you werent shouted at too much Sack!) we decided to spice things up a bit. So to finish off we switched to a round of Pineapple and 6 Card O! Awwww yeah! It was half 9 when we eventually peeled our sweaty asses off the chairs and I'll tell you it was just so nuts I know for a fact that I'm leaving sooooo many things out. If you were there, if you're having flashbacks please let me know so I can chuck in a few more details.

Gotta run
love your friendly

PS It was time and a half for the cash league on Sunday and every other sunday.

*** Tip of the day: If you want to put someone's head through a monitor you should. If you bottle everything up you could get ulcers and they're not pretty at all.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Whats that you say? You have a bad beat that I've never heard the likes of????

Mwah haw haw. I titter in your general direction if you really think I've never heard a bad beat like yours. Just let me clear up one issue now. Aces are indeed the best hand pre-flop. The most important word in this statement is "PRE". They are only a pair at the end of the day. Get over it!!!

Right then, on that note I have decided to run a little poll. Thats right a Bad Beat poll. Email me your bad beats to I shall post them here and we shall have a group "oooohing" and "aaaaawing" and we shall name a winner. We shall all chip in then to buy this poor soul a beer/bar of chocolate. So send em in.

Yes I know its been a week since I've posted and you know what, I'm ok with that. The Voice! I finally did figure out who you were and got it confirmed by your bro. Why not come back down every now and again for a live game? We havent had a "Hulk smash!" moment for a while.

Since this thread started out with bad beats we might as well keep on topic. Check out what happened to Old Father Time in the space of 10 minutes.

  1. Old Father Time met the Blessed One with the following flop. 10,6,4 (2 clubs). TBO holding 44 and OFT holding J9 of clubs. We had an all in situation on the turn when the wee 2 of clubs popped up his head. And of course one of the other 3 remaining 2's popped up on the river.

  2. Then 10 mins later Old Father Time moves in on the flop with A2 and gets called by the Cyclist holding 10,4. The flop you ask? A,10,2. The turn and river came runner runner 3,5. Yowzers!!!!!

We also had another interesting moment when The Bouncy Castle moved all in with AQ and was called by someone claiming they had "Jack Shit". I was instantly reminded of Evil Dead 3 when Bruce Campbell uttered the immortal line "You're leading two things right now, Jack and Shit. And Jack just left town". Groovy. So J8 is flipped over and of course hits two pair off the flop.

We also had a slow roll fest. When father meets son heads up on the poker table only bad things can happen. Yup thats what happened when Cobble and Cobble jnr were the last two soldiers at the Monday €30 freezeout. Coinkidinkly it was the last two hands where we saw father slow roll the crap out of his own flesh and blood. Jnr moves all in with pocket 4's and it takes a while for the pocket 9's to be flipped over. Then the next hand (which is also the last) we're all in on the flop. Jnr shows first again; AK and Snr shows over the ace and then the queen on a 3,4,Q flop. Somebody was walking home that night.

Now we move from Bad beats to bad calls. We had another Round of each cash game and I decided to sit in to keep it going. So there we were playing a nice easy game when the following hand materialises; the board is paired, so we have a quads/house possibility, there is a straight flush on board, which also means there are straights and flushes on board. So I bet the flop, bet the turn and pot the river. Now I have middle two pair but with the board I suspect I'm only getting called by a monster hand. No no no no Roadkill calls me with 2 pair. So sitting there confused about the call we go heads up again 5 hands later. The only difference is I dont look at my cards until the river when Roadkill bets out. Now here's the thing, again the board is paired and again there is a straight flush on board!!!! So I look at my hand and pot the bet boosting it up to around 50 or so. And he calls!!!!! With a straight!!! A straight that is just a fraction higher than mine!!! Mother of pearl!!! When asked how he made those calls I was expecting that he had a read on me or something. Nope no. He had two pair and he had a straight. Simple as. Tunnel vision in Omaha is a killer unfortunately in this case he was lucky. Let this be lesson to all.

It was also requested by the Mullet, who wanted it known that it as another Cahir 1-2-3 on thursday night. Now he wanted it to go down as an Epic Battle and even spelt it out for me; e-p-i-c b-a-t-t-l-e! wow!!!! what a kind idiot!!!! Now Epic battle is not how I'd describe it. From my point of view it was more like a grind.....a really long grind with no profit at the end of it. Except from the 60% Man, Cheers bro!!!

Thats all from this week.

love your friendly

*** Tip of the day; Start drinking coffee or red bull or summit as another young player fell victim to not paying attention and slowing up the game or making a ridiculous call and getting ridiculously lucky.
