Ok there has been a lot going on and I guess I have been negligent in the ole posting so I think I might start with Sunday.
Sunday the 15th of July 2007; a bit wet as I remember.....
We ran a very successful €100 freezeout here on sunday. The DJ got a few heads up from Waterford and I managed to swindle a few up from Cork. We also had a strong local representation and so it was that 38 people braved the stairs (oh the stairs!!!!!!!!) and fought for pride, victory, soup & sausages and of course the €1500 first prize. Oh yes! The game was strong, the atmosphere was "sweet as a nut joey" and everyone seemed to be having fun. Even taking bad beats with a shrug of the shoulder and a nice sportsman like "well done". Now thats not to say that there were a few temper tantrums, this was a poker game after all and with a poker game come poker players. Nappies needed to be changed and babies needed to be burped. Enough of this gibberish, on with the results.
Caroline €1500
Johnny €1000
Jamie €500
Buddha €350
- Mike K €250
- Ron €200
- Bosco
- Enda
- Jason
- Gordon
I always said that I wouldnt use real names as not everyone is happy with that prospect so if anyone wants to know who these people are you know the email address. If you dont then shame on you!!!! Go find it! Congratulations to our own four players who made it to the final table. Props to The Fish, The Ewok, The Le Mons Little Mexican and of course The Moaner Lisa. This tournament may become a regular fixture so watch this space.
Two cash games kept us going until 10 in the morning and man was there some crazy action on it. I dealt so many suck outs, draws, basically everything except ye old Royal Flush. One of the highlights were Sideshow, Mini Tom Cruise and Nanny Ogg having a three way €2/€5 NL Holdem game for 2 hours!!!!!! Sweet jebus the calls that went on in that game were horrendous, not to mention the straddling!!! But everyone left the premises on their own two feet so it couldnt have been all bad.
Tuesday 17th July 2007; WSOP Final Table Party. Really!!!
Yup we had ourselves a little movie night. Only we werent watching a movie or eating popcorn. There were marshmallows though. Hmmmmmmm Maaaaaaaaarshmallows. We were watching the final table of the WSOP Main event live on the big screen. Now if you have been in the club then you would know the TV of which I speak so you wont be surprised to know there was a lot of squinting and "is that a club or a spade?" going on. A lot of players also realised that live poker is reallllllly boring to watch but in fairness they kept watching it. The fact that the play on the final table was as loose was amazing. They were obviously watching the players from this club and learning from them. (I love ye, please dont eat me!!)
Our regular Tuesday tourney was put on hold and we ran a €35 freezeout instead. Nice! We had 19 runners for this including yours truly. Sucked out on the turn this time by terrible play but then again when have I ever played a perfect game. See the cash game paragraph for evidence of this statement. There was something however that has to be said about this tourney. On this special night a special person won his first tourney in the club. Ladies and Gentlemen I would like ye all to applaud, cheer and shout Biccit! for our very own Don Santos (aka: Sack/The Big Show/The Big Dog/Elderberry/The Mediocre One/The walking movie spoiler/The Dirty Mars Bar/Shogun) Did I miss any????Congratulations.
Cash action flowed nicely as well. Yup having witnessed the loose play on the telly, being on tilt from the tourney, I decided to play the cash game Clonmel style!! Oh yeah me beeeeeeatchs! What does this entail? Well, several things are needed before you sit at the table.
- A pair of testicles the size of grapefuits: (one pair of sports socks, check)
- A complete disregard for money (lit a cigarette with a 20, check)
- Being on tilt and complaining about everything (already well versed in both, check)
- A deep sea fishing rod and line (oh check!)
- A table to knock over drinks on (see the puddle on the floor? Check)
I then sat down and played the craziest poker I have ever played. One hand to note was against the reigning Champ (see above). On the small blind I look down at 83 off suit. Apparently this is known as the House nuts!!! Yippee-fricking-doo. So I call. The Champ raises. I call. Le Flop. 10,7,3. Yes I hit my 3. Now being in Clonmel frame of mind I do a quick mental dance singing "I've hit my three I'm ahead". The other voices in my head, the ones I normally listen to decide at this point to jump ship and take pride, dignity and sensibility with them. So with all those annoying things out of my head I push all in for around €45. Insta-call by the Champ who slaps 10,7 on the table. I dont even groan, I laugh. The laugh continues as the turn brings a 9. It stops when the river comes Jack. Holy Crap!!!! Yo Champ!!! You cant see me!!!!! Its sick. I mean that is just wrong. Ole wrong face McGinty. Then the Champ decides to give out to me (light heartedly) for my play.
Next hand someone called a relatively solid player the whole way down to the river on a gutshot. Which of course hit. Now if I really wanted to name names I would, however I dont think I really need to now do I? Pot & fricking Kettle my friend. Pot & Kettle.So after donking off my chips (twice, to AK both times. WTF!!!!) I decide to retire for the night and go home and make sure my baby 360, which was returned to me was working properly. Good news, she's working fine.
Wednesday 18th July 2007; Hot as Hell!
Yup we had our usual €50 freezeout and I have to say the atmosphere was great again! Seriously something seems to be getting into the water as everyone seemed to laugh off bad beats and had fun! Even the Sulk was light hearted and blowing kisses to people! Sixteen "players" sat down for the war on felt and we did arrive at our victor. Yup, the one, the only, Don Santos (aka: Sack/The Big Show/The Big Dog/Elderberry/The Mediocre One/The walking movie spoiler/The Dirty Mars Bar/Shogun). Two nights on the trot Bo, nice one. Even though folding some hands actually made you visibly sick! Still, well done again.
A quiet cash game followed and the only few things we really learned from all this was that;
- Pinocchio is indeed the unluckiest players alive
- Its not a good idea to knock out 2 players in one hand. Doesnt sit well really.
- It was battle of the families tonight as The Brothers of the Ring fought the Brothers of the much Moping and Whining. (ye know I love it!!!)
- Oh and it is sometimes a good idea to fold top pair.
So that about wraps it up really. I'm sitting here bogeyed and ready to go home for some kip I think it is time to say goodbye....
....but one thing first. Did you honestly think I'd leave it out Berry? Biccit this, mofo! The title of this wee blog is about biccits, hugs and poetry. The reason for this is simple. Over the past three nights there have been certain hints that two players are going out with each other. This could mean trouble as collusion could become an issue. I first twigged to it when a certain someone declared that he would be lying in bed writing poetry about another player on the table. Hmm.
My second clue was when the same person spent a good 3 minutes describing the other persons ass!
Number three came tonight as they were sitting next to each other. There was arm rubbing going on. Now under no circumstances was anything in this last bit exaggerated in any way. I did however have the decency to leave out the hug bit, where size does matter apparently.
Guesses as to who our two love birds are to the usual address. This could be very interesting! On that note, I'm outta here.
your friendly Caboose
PS The video attached to this post is all about Tilt. Its getting ye warmed up for the blog on Tilt which is coming soon.

*** Tip of the day; Romantic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole goddamn Chicken!