Greetings young ones! I'm back! woohoooo....... a lot to catch up on in the poker world so instead of making this a lengthly blog i'm gonna tell you all about my holiday! Excited? Well I was in Germany for a concert. Germany is very well run, they have very good beer, their lesbians are some of the fittest lesbians I have ever seen and their brazillians aint all that bad either! There you go.
The End...........
Image above copyrighted to those brave boys from Red Vs Blue.
Anyhoo did you think I'd leave it go there???? I dont think so. Right while I was away there was poker played up in the club. That and rummy. Why oh why did I have to bring that game into the club. As I type this at half 6 in the morning there are 5 lost souls trying to play the game. Bless their little cotton socks. In the meantime I gotta update this wonderful and charming blog. Happy days!
News first:
Cash league is pumping along nicely. Just shy of €1,000 in the pot so far. Nice going lads. Remember anyone with 50 hours qualifies for the tourney final which is essentially a freeroll for whatever the prizepool will be. Stay posted for the date of the final. I promise to have it up here by Wednesday so ye can book holidays. But when it is posted on wednesday there's to be no "But but but but I booked a dirty weekend away with someone elses missus and its the only weekend we can get it on for a full 4 minutes!!!" Once the date's set, its set. Just takes a while to make sure we dont clash with anyone else. Your hours are available on request. 18 is the highest amount so far. Any questions on the league itself can be emailed to myself at or corner me in the club and throw Camels at me to appease me.There are also guidelines at the end of this page just over the video of one of my favourite hands of all times =o)
Some people were enquiring about a small tournament called the WSOP or something like that. The schedule we were talking about is as follows:
- The H.O.R.S.E $50,000 event commences on the 24th of June
- The World Championship Pot Limit Omaha $10,000 is on the 1st of July
- The Big'un. $10,000 Main Event starts on July 6th and the final table is on July 17th.
So there you go. I will be trying to get the final table live on in the club from ESPN. Should be good crack. Will find all the details about it and let ye know. Its worth a watch as ye're sitting there eating choccie biccies and sipping on flat orange.
Today saw a cracking thursday evening of poker. 20 young paddywans sat down to begin their sparring. Yet again I was there to witness Skidrick's run of pure luck. In fact we're changing his name to The Blessed One. I have cracked Aces on many an occassions both on the dealer side and the player side but I must say this was one of the sickest crackings I've seen in a while. The Blessed One sticks in a small raise preflop and the Mullet reraises. TBO calls. Flop comes and again TBO bets. TM raises and TBO ships it all in. TM calls, leaving him with 50 in chips and flips over Aces. TBO flips over K9 off declaring he thought the young frizzy haired paddywan was "at it". Now at this point the only card connecting TBO's hand and the board was a 10 and a 6!!!! Sure enough TBO catches runner runner, in order, to fill a four card straight with his 9. Yowzers! It pretty much continued like this for the rest of the tourney really. Two more calls from TBO for gutshots hit and needless to say he went on to win the tourney. The exalted position of 'Top of the leaderboard' is just beyond the Blessed One's pudgy little grasp. But he is chasing. On the score card of McHammer and the Blessed One I think the Blessed one is ahead. Someone correct me on this?????
Other souls at the final table included, in their finishing positions;
- The DIY man in 10th
- The former Champ's cuz in 9th
- The Mini Goblin in 8th
- The Ewok in 7th
- MC Hammer in 6th
- The Champ Who Could Not Retain His Title For One Night in 5th
- Hank the Tank in 4th
- The Spectre in 3rd
- Condor Man in 2nd
- The Blessed One in 1st. All bow and pay hommage for he be'th a kind benevolent Champ
We also had a rocking Cash Game as well. With a waiting list. A W-A-I-T-I-N-G list!!!!!!! Grooooooovy. The mini Goblin, upon getting knocked out, asked whether or not was it a crazy cash game. Then proceeded to sit down and raise to €50 in his first hand!!!!!!! Eep. He took it down with that bet though in fairness. Wait and Donate put in an appearance as did Chucky from All Grown up who apparently did very well in some card club in Cork. I made the mistake of asking what he played meaning tournament? cash game? what type???? The response was simple...... He played Poker!!! I of these days....mumblemumblemumblepokerplayersshouldbeshotgrumblemumble.
We finished up the action at half 5 as most people at the table had work at 6!! God I love this town.
sorry about the length of the blog but its been a while and I do love the sound of my off the keyboard? Anyone? no? ah well. Well to be continued tomorrow!!
Until then "Give them NOTHING, take from them EVERYTHING!!!!"
your friendly
*** Tip of the day; Do not teach any of these bums a new card game. I should have been in bed an hour ago!!!!