Righty ho then its news time.
Sunday 15th July. 3pm. K & K Card Club Clonmel. €100 + €10 Freezeout.
Yup. We'sa hosting a wee small Freezeout on Sunday. The starting stack for this prestigious tourney is 10,000 chips. The clock will be a half hour the whole way through and of course there will be all sorts of lovely levels. Including the ever elusive 25/50 level. As with all sundays it is time and a half for any period sitting at a cash game. Hmmmm nice. See we spoil ye, we really do.
Fridays........ here I am putting my brain into overdrive about something to run on Fridays. Barring the full bar and the dancing girls (this would be for our benefit as well as yours) there was only one thing to pop into my mind. Yes, yes I know. The dancing girls would be nice but it aint gonna happen in the next two months. Ooh can you feel the hope building. "He said two months!!! Does that mean that he'll be getting dancing girls in in the next few months???" Hope springs eternal.
So rather than turning this place into Hooters we're going to try something new. A heads-up tournament. I'll be putting the structure together over the next few days and as soon as I come up with something decent I shall let ye know straight away. Any and all thoughts always welcome. Just drop a comment or an email.
Right then I have gotta pack up and go home to work on the cash hours for all the children who need to know!!!!
your friendly

*** Tip of the day: If ye do indeed start emails with Dear Debbie or Dear Agnes then I will, and trust me on this, send them into a real Agony Aunt and sit back and enjoy the show.