- As I write this Hellmuth has indeed won his 11th Bracelet and was presented it by Doyle Brunson and Johnny Chan.
- Johnny Chan is in the race for his 11th at a $1,500 Pot Limit Omaha tourney that started day 1 with 576 players and got down to 23 in the second day! Pot Limit!!!
- Alan Cunningham has also won his 5th bracelet!
If you wanna find out about any of your fav players then just drop a comment and it shall be posted here.
Onto last nights festivities.... Wow. There we were, Red and Myself sitting on our tods contemplating joining some cult in some forgein land when a few souls drift in off the streets. So we get on the horn to Yoda and Bob the Builder who are in some fine establishment perving on young women and getting themselves generally osified and tell them to haul ass up to the fortress of not-so-solitude. So to cut a long story short we did indeed have a game last night. Unfortunately for the Blessed One his lucky streak did not hold and even his mighty power, known as K9 off suit, was smashed upon the anvil of felt!! Aces were busted yet again and tears were shed over typical gutshot calls and people hitting runner runner.
In the last hand of the night all seemed quiet, not a creature was stirring, not even a Yoda! Preflop action saw no increase, even the flop saw a tumbleweed float across it. Then boom the turn hits bringing a straight on board. All of a sudden Bob the Builder and Hank the Tank went into a betting frenzy which ended up with Bob all in!!! It was an absolute car crash when the cards flipped over to show that Bob had the nuts and Hank had the second nuts!
Oh just to let ye know anyone can leave comments on the blog now...not just registered members so keep them coming in.
And here endeth the lesson......
Thats all from me folks, currently sitting in a little sit n go on my beloved laptop! Thats right I bit the bullet and decided to play online again. Woohoo. Caboose is back!!!!!

am i the only one leaving comments for ya?
Hey guys
Now that im on an extended sabbatical from all forms of gambling(especially poker),
sometimes, in between the first cigarette with coffee in the morning and the 400th roll-up with that bottle of cheap, corner-shop piss after 3am, I do stop, look at myself and think...
...this is great.
How we doin, found da Blog! again,
(Colm)"oh poker poker poker, and dats wat its all about"
who the hell is on an extended sabbatical from all forms of gambling. sick sick sick individual
Ill tell you what’s sick, first time I played poker in about a month. I’m playing 2.50/5 on Betfair .Im the big blind holding pocket aces. This is only my second hand!! Some clown raises to 30 on the button. I just flat call. Flop comes down A, 9, J. Boom!!! I was thinking im gonna take this kid to the cleaners. I just check. He raises to 80. I move over the top-200. He ships all in. 550. I can’t get my money in fast enough. Wait for it………….he turns over pocket 7’s. I can’t believe it. How this guy is playing poker I will never understand. Just guess what comes down…….turn 7, river 7.
Sickest beat I have ever got…….
hey, caboose, need more of ur talented writing on the blogg, been visiting the blogg everynight to read about the world of the kk club. u let me down man!!!! what a downer.
hey voice, sounds like the bad beat i gave some fella in the minella hotel couple of years ago. the snooker legend stephen hendry was at my table and he could`nt believed what i had done to that poor fella. i raised x3 the blind which is nearly half my stack with KQ suited S, folded all around the to big blind, he pushes all in and i knew that i was behind but i am pot committed so i called. he had AA, flop comes A,5,K...its time to go home i said to myself, turn K and river K which gave me a poker. pretty bad beat i gave to the poor chap eh?
anyways, later dudes. more bad beat stories just let me know, i have bad beat stories that i gave to pinocchio and family guy if u wanna hear about it, which is pretty sick stuff.
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